Here is a list of open-source code on my GitHub.

Here is the Verikafasi GitHub Page which I have cofounded and actively contributing.

Machine learning & Explorative Analysis

  • Verikafasi (2020): A blog which I have cofounded which includes statistical analysis on up-to-date topics such as economy, sports and everything verikafasi website report
  • DeHa(Life Network at Earthquake)(2020): A project aimed solving communication problems to create an efficient disaster relief organization. post | code
  • (Thesis) Credit Default Swap Spread Estimation Using Machine Learning Models(2019): thesis
  • Language Modelling Using Deep Learning Structures (2019): report | code | notebook
  • Copenhagen in Demographics & Politics(2019): Visualization of demographic and social aspect of Copenhagen. code | website
  • Large Scale Structure and Temporal Evolution of the Twitter Mention Graph(2019): A visualization of 300 million nodes from Twitter mention graphs. code
  • Twitter Network Analysis(2018): Set of tools to facilitate the network analysis and sentiment analysis of any particular twitter event. code | website
  • (Bachelor Thesis) Sign Language Detection using 2D Pose Estimation(2017): An image classifier using joint estimation points as input features to detect sign language presentation
  • Some works from master’s and bachelor’s degrees that I enjoyed
    • Exploratory analysis on macroeconomic data(2018) notebook
    • Classification on macroeconomic data(2018) notebook
    • Association mining on macroeconomic data(2018) notebook
    • Product recognition on shelve. Classification based on the camera images of consumer products on the shelves(2017). code
    • Visual sudoku solver using OpenCV package(2017) code | presentation
  • Some post materials I worked:
    • An interesting probability question: Box collection (2020) post | notebook
    • An interesting probability question: Gambler’s Ruin(2020) post | notebook
    • How fast coronavirus is spreading across Earth? (2020) post | code
